New Product to BBQStoreUk - EMBA Cast Ironware

New Product to BBQStoreUk - EMBA Cast Ironware

We have used Cast Iron Skillets for many years & the problem appears to be surface rusting - nothing that will erode the skillet, but something that is not desirable to cook food on. 

Our old Skillet is mainly used for Crepes, as it is an ideal size. Despite being stored in the house in a dry cupboard, it still attracts a layer of surface rust, as you  can see below. Not very good when you are cooking for friends and family and they see a rusty pan. 

Cast iron skillet

So now we are trying the EMBA Cast Iron Skillet. Manufactured in the West Midlands, EMBA Cookware recycles old iron, mainly from the automotive industry, so quite a sustainable product. 

EMBA Cast Iron Skillet

Only just opened up the package, and the first thing you notice is the weight and finish of the product, no rough edges and a pre-seasoned surface to start cooking on. 

Will come back to you when we have cooked on it. 

Mine came from Why not pop in to the Birmingham showroom and see for yourself 

328 Hobs Moat Road
B92 8JT





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  • Paul Henley